☆。♥~Little Cookie~♥。☆

♥♪♫☆ HAPPY MEMORIES ☆♫♪♥ LAST UPDATED: 24.09.2008 ☆♫♪♥


Monday, November 17, 2008


I am closing this blogspot. for now
I am closing this blogspot. for now
I am closing this blogspot. for now

Lately I've been feeling that I've been blogging about ..nothing. not that it really matters, because you can blog about whatever you want right? But I want to make a new start. From now on, I'll be blogging here:


I won't erase this blog though, because it's fun (at least for me) to read it back some day. I might go back someday to this blogspot, I will tell you guys then. I was getting a bit tired of the pink layouts, but I'm pretty sure I will miss it. heh.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

I miss Japan

=( . . I'm sick a lot, and today is no difference. I really hate it when I'm sick. I feel like a 80 year old woman >< Yesterday, I nearly had to crawl over the floor because I felt so weak. Luckily my sweet bf took good care of me! ^^ I won a Hello Kitty walkie-talkie in Japan, and it really comes in hand in times like these. He will make me food, and asks if I need something else etc. And I can stay in bed ^-^ anyways, I was looking for a picture of the walkie-talkie, but I can't find it =/

So I was browsing through my pictures of Japan, and it made me sad =.= because I still really miss it there =( so badly. I definitely want to go back! 10 days was really not enough. But I'm glad I at least got the experience to go there ^^ anyways, I'm going to watch Moon Phase.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Songs with Memories

Everyone has a song that touches their heart when they hear it back. They take you back in time. Sometimes it hurts to hear the melody and lyrics back, but for me.. I personally love that feeling. Because it remembers me how I was back then, and how much I've grown since then. Here's a list of songs that have memories to it;

Amel Larrieux - Make Me Whole sad times 2004/2005
Blaque - Questions insecure times
Bobby Tinsley - Time the time I lived @ Joyce house
Brian McKnight - Everytime You Go Away also @ Joyce house
Usher - Can U Help Me don't exactly remember when, but I remember crying lots of times hearing this song
Yeng Constantino - Hawak Kamay my vacation in the Philippines
Freddie Aguilar - Ipaglalaban Ko when I started to get interested in my culture
Jagged Edge - Goodbye I don't exactly remember what memories I have to this song.. but when I hear it back, it reminds me of my high school years, and I feel sad hearing it.
Jewel - Foolish Games this is such a deep song. I don't have a certain memory to it, but I've cried many times with this song
Justin Timberlake - Never Againwow.. makes me sad all over again
Lam Nhat Tien ft MT - Waiting You Tonight I don't think it's called like that. Sweet memories with my boyfriend
Lemar - What About Love (U) . .
Lil Corey - The First Time
Marco Borsato - Ben Ik Je Nu Al Kwijt insecure times, cried so hard the first time I heard this song =x haha emo neko.
Selwyn - Negative things ouch

The list goes on and on. I'm not gonna write every song, it's too much. I was just browsing through my ipod. Music has a been a big part of my life. It divines how I am now, and regularly decides my mood. Thank God for walkman --> cd players --> mp3 players.


Like I said, I was too lazy to update my ipod so I just dumped every song on there. I was just chillin' in my room, suddenly I hear.. Sean Paul - Get Busy. Oh, how we've danced nasty on it with dem guys. Ok, not me =P not nasty at least. Gosh, it feels awkward to hear it back, yet I have to admit (don't deny it bitches, you know it's true) it was a good song. Let's see what else I've got on my ipod..

Kelis - Trick Me (gosh..)
JLo - Get Right (omg what's that doing on my ipod ?! >0<)
Twarres - Wer Bisto (seriously ppl, I did NOT download that =| what the efff)
Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift (I listen to it with disgust)
Los Del Rio - Macarena (No idea...)
Mr Oizo - Flat Beat (eyh that song was dope!)
Limp Bizkit - My Generation (If only we can flyyy, LB style!)
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood (nice)
Aaliyah - Try Again (whattt? still love it)
Billy Crawford - Trackin' (...gotta keep up to join this partyyy)
Soad - Chop Suey (ok a bit weird)
Jameson ft Angel Blue - True (oh shit!)
BSB - Quit Playin' Games With My Heart (AHAHA! no way! Even in my hearttt (8) )
Kaleidoscopio - Voce Me Aparaceu (ahh good summer memories)
Kelis - Milk Shake (.... ugh.)
Mariah ft Busta Rhymes - I know what you want (oh snap! forgot that song)
John Lennon - Stand By Me (And darlin, darlinnn)
Jordan Knight - Give it to you (wow..)
Beyonce - Baby Boy (no comment)

Ok ok ok, enough. I can't take it anymore. I see the most horrible songs on my ipod. I even heard the Totally Spies themesong on it! >< Anyways, I'm gonna do my next blog. About good memory songs.

Summary of the last few days

Ok, I'm such a hermit =.= I've stayed inside since I got back. How lazy is that? No, normally I don't have jetlags but now I do. Feel bad for my bf though =( I keep waking him up at night, and I sleep like a log in the afternoon. I ate raffioli in the middle of the night, watching Friends =.=''

The only thing I've been doing is watching tv and rotting away on the couch, unpacking my stuff (and I'm STILL not finished with that), cleaning up my room and that also is not finished. It's too cold outside =( I've been freezing my ass off in the house, let alone when I go outside =.= I have to be honest though, I did miss the braindead cartoons of Holland. I normally hated them, but I watched it with joy the past few days. And I've been ordering movies from UPC like hell. But today is the big day.. I'm gonna go to Amsterdam. First I'm gonna eat my lunch, then clean my room up, and then I'm off to my room mates.

I can't wait for tomorrow! Were gonna watch Grease with a big bowl of popcorn, some icecream and a nice warm blanket with hot coco. I love that movie. I love old movies. I think I already mentioned this waaay back, but I love the channel TCM. Now that was some real acting. Ok, enough with the loving. I'm just gonna go.. =p

toodles! x

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back in Frogland

Oh, how I've missed the pouring rain on a daily basis, the smell of autumn in my country, the teenage citizens that walk around like wannabe gangsters.. ok not really. The first I did was get me some frites! (no not fries). I ordered some frites, frikandel special (whatever the hell that is in English, I dunno. Let's call it a frikkindel special =p), and kaassoufles (cheesesouffles? =p). I haven't ate it in months, so I was really craving for it =x -_-. I was making those ridiculous sounds that people make when they eat something delicious. ''mmmmm, hmmm, ahhh''. But then in my head =P I dislike it when people overreact about simple food.

And I was so happy to see my room again! Since I celebrated my birthday in NY, my bf couldn't give me my gift yet. But it was standing in my room ^~^ it was a big teddy bear with a red rose! it was so sweeet :3 I haven't packed all my stuff out yet, because well.. didn't have the strength to do it =p I will do it later on this day. I'm gonna cook for my hubby tonight, and the fridge is emptyyy. I have to do some groceries later this day.

Well anyways, glad to be back!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Se7en's Bday~~!

happy bday sexy! ^^

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Polaroid Pogooo! :3

yay I got myself a Polaroid PoGo! For those of you who don't know what it is; it's a portable printer, and you can send pictures with bluetooth to it and it will print it out! Or you can link your camera to it. Fun right? ^~^

I'm dissapointed with the colors though. You definitely should make pictures with flash for 'good quality print'.

Original Picture - Printed Picture

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

HAHAHA OMG! his laugh is so funny =p <3 sweet Junsu

Monday, November 3, 2008


Isn't it totally cute ?! :3 I am so going to order one! =D

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Steffie the Otaku (0x0 )。。

Lately I've been buying quite some ds games. I can't help it! Everytime I go to Best Buy, I end up in the DS alley (-x- )'' I bought 6 games since I got here T_T And there are still 2 pre-ordered. I'm such a gamefreak. I should slow it down。。 Anyways, the games I have now are:

♥ Rhapsody
♥ Princess Debut
♥ Harvest Moon Cute
♥ Nintendogs (Labs)
♥ Cooking Mama 2
♥ Final Fantasy CC
♥ Mario & Sonic O.G.
♥ Big Brain Academy
♥ Spore Creatures

What the eff is up with Spore Creatures? That was a total waste of $30 bucks =S That game sucks! Sometimes, the cover of a DS game box doesn't give it enough credit though. For example, I didn't think much of Princess Debut at first, but I heart the game. It isn't a girly childish game like you think it would. It's actually pretty fun and has a storyline that can go different directions.

Anyways, the reason why I buy the games here is also because you have a larger variety. AAAND! They're (most of them) $30! That's like €23! Almost half the price! =| In Holland a game costs frikkin 40 euro.

People also ask me why I don't just download the games. Well, to be honest, I rather have the original. It's something I like to collect. Like other people collect post stamps, anime dolls etc. It may cost a lot of money, that's true. But if the game is worth it, I don't mind spending money on it :]

Besides, I'm such a wimp anyways. I heard that Nintendo is going after people that download, and the thought of me getting busted freaks me out =x and of course people think; come on man, that's not going to happen. Karma bitch!

toodles! x

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home! Almost。。

YAAAY! I'm going home next week! The first thing I'm going to do is eat some Febo!! (dutch snackbar) craaaaving for some fries! O_O I feel kinda bad that I haven't been posting about NY. I mean, I've been here for almost a month now =/ But I didn't do much here either. I mean, I did have fun though don't get me wrong. I actually want to stay here but due to some circumstances I have to go back. I do miss home though. Hope that I've been missed too? =P *emo*

Anyways, I haven't been sleeping well lately. That's why I'm still up now. And tomorrow is my bdaaay YAY! We're going to see a Halloween Parade. And the next day is Janet timeee. Ohyeah and I found out that Se7en performed at Madison Square TT0TT。。。。 I think it was last year but still OMG! I always find out things way too late. If Se7en or DBSK are performing in Europe or USA。。PLEASE! LET - ME - KNOW! they really should give Holland a chance. I mean, Miyavi is pretty big too right, and his concert was sold out. I read that people were waiting in front of the building a day before the concert just to get a good spot.

That's the down side of Holland. You can't get seats, you just have to be lucky to get great spots. I would pay a few bucks more if they guaranteed me that I would sit in front. Right? Anyways, I suddenly have the urge to go back to my warm bed.

take care people! x

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am going to Janet Jackson's concert on nov 1!! =D W00T? I'm watching her old concert now on dvd, and she is such a great performer. I reaaally really hope I'm not sick then (too personal to tell why I'm making that assumption), so wish me luck you guys =D

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok, today I'm just gonna rant about several things. BTW, I noticed.. I haven't been blogging about NY yet =0 I'll do that from now on.

First of all, I'm getting kinda pissed off. I send my phone to be repaired, but I was suppose to get it 2 weeks ago =S And I haven't heard anything from them. They said I would get an email when it's done, but nothing, nada. If I don't see my phone back, there are lives at stake then (>s< ) !! I miss my bebeee =(

Anyways, speaking of electronic malfunctions, my ipod is starting to die on me too. Everytime I plug it in my laptop, it's trippin'. (I don't know how to explain it in English, but itwon't do anything anymore until the battery is empty). I've treated it with all my love though =( Maybe something happened to it when my bag was lost for 2 months =x eheh ^-^'' OH WELL! I really 。。 REALLY need to update my ipod music ♬. I have horrible songs like Macarena on it, because before I left Holland, I didn't have the time to organize my music, so I just put all my songs of my laptop on it. Ok, I'm gonna update my ipod TODAY! RIGHT NOW!。。。 ok, after I ate lunch.

You know what I find annoying? I'll give a good example. I'm not dissing my uncle or something, I'm just taking him as an example. When my aunt says something like; let's go to the museum!, he will then say: ''Crystal doesn't like the museum''. I'm like。。 dude。。u know me how well? I love museums, as long as it's an interesting one. I hate it when people 'decide' for me like that, if they don't even know me well. And then he looks surprised if I say I do like it. And he does that with a lot more things. What does he think I am? Some dead zombie that doesn't like anything? =.= I usually don't show much of my personality, but once you get to me (and I like you), you will see I'm a caring person who is jolly. I still have a hard time showing that sometimes, because I'm so shy =.=

Speaking of shyness, I have my good ol' pals to take advantage of that >_> haha they always tease me. For example, I'm gonna take it back to 2007, my birthday. They know I don't like it if they stare at me, so they sometimes do it on purpose. And we were on our way to my house, and when we got out of the bus。。 they all stared at me like a bunch of zombies T_T there were like 15 people staring at me O_O and my lovely boyfriend of course didn't help me out. So, they like to make fun of my weaknesses. But I don't mind, hopefully it will take away my shyness bit by bit. Love them!

What else。。 ohyeah, I'm really starting to think about what I have to do with xmas =/ if I celebrate it in NY, there's a big chance that my bf won't be able to join me. If I stay in Holland, I will miss a big opportunity to celebrate xmas with my family in NY. That won't happen again probably. Ok let's make a list of the positives and the negatives:


New York
✓ with my family
✓ I will see snow
✓ ice skating @ CP
✓ time Square tree

✖ w/o my boyfriend
✖ feeling lonely


✓ with my ''family-in-law''
✓ with my boyfriend

✖ miss family meeting
✖ family will kill me
✖ snow & skating


Seems like it's best to go to New York right? 。。 *sigh* I don't know what to do =( have to think it through. Neways, that's it for now. I'll probably blog today again, I want to eat now =P


Sunday, October 19, 2008


I don't get it why people are being so frustrated about ''wannabes'', and make such a fuss about it.

For example, if a white person watches anime, listens to JRock, uses some J. words when speaking.. he's a wannabe.

But what really defines a wannabe? To stereotype the Japanese a bit; they eat sushi a lot, watch anime, read manga, play on their PSP and NDS in the subway, listen to JPOP, collect anime dolls, play games a lot and etc etc. But if a white person does all these things, why is he considered a wannabe? You don't call a Japanese a wannabe if he listens to R&B, eats KFC, wear Sean John clothes, and says things like ''that's dope, that's tight'', or whatever kids say these days. Why is someone a wannabe if they have the same habits or interests?

I would call someone a wannabe J. if he would go under surgery for his eyes, wears slippers in the house, wear kimonos, learn the Japanese language, eat ramen on a daily basis, find watermelon a HUGE treat, watch anime, read manga, being creepy by taking pictures of kawaii girls, bow when thanking and greeting someone, get a shiba dog, and all that other crap japanese people do. THEN they would be a wannabe.

But why be angry about it? If I was Japanese, I would be proud that people of another culture would want to be the same ethnicity as me, instead of thinking: omg they're so fake, they want to be like us. Let's waste our time by laughing about it and post mean comments!''.

I mean, you don't really see white or black people wanting to be Filipino or anything. Not that I've seen, at least. The things that Japan create (the styles, electronics etc) are just way cooler than other countries to most people. That's why people love Japan. Some people just like it because it's ''in'' but whatever you know? let people be who they want to be =]

Ohyeah, and the thing I also don't get.. If a Chinese is acting like a ''wannabe Japanese'', nobody complains about it. But if a white person does it, it's all like: ''wow look at him being a wannabe, he's so lame''. Just because the Chinese is Asian, he has more ''right'' to act wannabe J...? Weird how the people in this world think.


。。 I'm really starting to miss my friends =( I miss movie nights, even baking pies voor Wook =x='', going to Amsterdam and hang out with my moei moei. I think I'll be back begin december so that's still a loooong time.

I also miss snow a lot 。。 walking in the snow and making snowman's. Holding a snowball fight. Feeling the snow on my cheeks. Watching at our beautiful garden filled with it. I hope we will have a good winter this year!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Free Hugs

I loooove getting and giving hugs! Sometimes I really have the urge to hug my friends but I don't do it 'cause well 。。 they already think I'm weird and I'm too shy anyways (^ω^ )''。。 but if I would see one of them people with Free Hugs signs, I would run up to them, *jump*, and give em a big hug ^~^


Waaaah Danibeth (Daniel & RB) are leaving today =( But anyways, some people are so damn rude =/ The cab was in the way, and there were a couple of people waiting behind it. This guy had no patience and started to yell things like; ''get the FUCK out of the way #$*(@)#$%!'' =.= some people have no patience at all. And if you're in a hurry, just 。。 eto。。 push the horn =x='' anyways, why do you have to use cuss and stuff? Just no manners. tsk


Like the stars shining in the sky,
Our feelings won't dissapear.

Even if our hands become separated,
the two of us won't forget this。。

Friday, October 17, 2008

Crystal + Sanrio = Madness

Omgosh, I need to have a restraining order from Sanrio stuff =x='' I keep on buying and buying. Instead of buying more important things like clothes, shoes and bags。。 I end up buying Hello Kitty stuff ^~^'' anyways, so I bought this kawaii ipod case at Claire's today ($15). cute huh? ^-^ and a throw-away camera from HK. Ahh my addiction is becoming worse! Help me guys!

Clumsy girl ( >x< );

I was at the bookstore, and I wanted to grab a Death Note book to see what it looks like. But as I was grabbing volume 1, the other books fell of the shelf T-T'' And I was holding other stuff in my hand, so I couldn't catch them. I put the books back, then other books fell again! -x-'' 。。 and that wasn't even the last time. they fell for the 3rd time! I think that people we're thinking: what is she doing?! I felt so stupid! Things like this always happen to me =.= And some guy that was working there was probably on his period, because he was pretty annoyed when I asked him something I didn't understood. Ohh well! You can't get the clumsiness out of a girl. Once a fool, always a fool =P

Thursday, October 16, 2008

''pimped'' my DS

My DS was started to get a little boring, so I decided to pimp it up a bit. The last layout I had was made in Japan by some guy, but I didn't have much to pick from because they ran out of cute stickers. I left the bunny though, because I like it. I bought the stickers at Kinokuniya.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Gwen has a fragrance line and I totally love it! I don't really know exactly what the deal is, but (I think) it's under the line Harajuku Lovers and it has different kind of fragrances. It has Love, G, Baby, Lil'Angel, and Music. I chose for Love and it smells goood <3! Baby is also one of my favorites. Check out www.hlfragrance.com for more! Love the website ^-^

Friday, October 10, 2008

My virgin shoes got raped!

argghhh omgosh >0< I bought new nikes so I thought 'yeah baby!'! fresh nd all. but my auntie wore them right away because her feet hurt. I haven't even worn them myself yet. now they totally don't feel hot anymore. I know I'm such a crybaby =P but they were still my virgin shoes, and she raped em >0< need to buy new ones.

ps, I didnt mean it in a spoiled brat way =P im not angry at my aunt or anything.

The Peninsula

I went to the Peninsula yesterday with my auntie, and we had so much fun ^~^ we had a great talk about our lives, and I really got to know her better. Besides that, it's a lovely place to have a drink too! It was on the roof top. I really recommend it, but I forgot the street though.

PS, I had SUCH an awkward moment in the elevator =/ there were these 2 people who were a bit tipsy (I totally saw it), and they were kinda into each other, I knew for sure. But it was really quiet in the elevator and I haaaate those kind of moments. I really wanted to laugh out loud, but they would probably think I'm some kind of retard, so I really had to hold it in -_- gosh I hate those kind of moments. That was one of the 2 longest minutes in my life.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cinnamoroll Quiz, quite accurate ('x' )

2008年 10月9日 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai。。

It seems like the minutes fly by in a day, but that I'm stuck in time. The days keep repeating themselves over and over again. Without him by my side life seems to have no meaning, yet I can't bring myself to go back to the place where I actually belong. Tears keep flowing, with no one to dry them for me. Solitudinous has taken me over, like a dark shadow you can't escape from. I don't want to face reality anymore, because I'm afraid to be dissapointed again. I'd rather run away from my problems and stay in the dark, than having false hope. He was the one that brought me back to life, when I felt my heart died. But now it's slowly losing strength again, with him out of my sight. Will I ever feel happiness again? Shirimasen。。 I long for his presence so badly, but my stubborn mind is holding me back. ''In order to be happy again, be strong!"', That's what I've been told. I can't find that kind of strength in me, so I just hopelessly wander around, hoping for a miracle。。

『동방신기/ L o v e I n T he I c e 』

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

こわい KOWAIII ! (≧0≦)

waaaah I'm scared >0<''!! I'm hearing these weird ghosts sounds coming from outside. I can't sleep ( '^' ) 。。 Luckily I have my nintendog ♥ Megumi next to me xD nhaha (like she could save me =.='') I'm feeling really sad. I had a fight with someone today, and have been thinkin' about it all day. Well, anyways, just wanted to blog a bit. // (=3=) *kissu*

update: WAHHH now it sounds like someone is trying to break in through the window ='( but that's not possible 'cause I'm at the 53th floor. *calm down* this is gonna be a long night =.=

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Secret Crush (o'-'o )


Okay, my friends always find my taste weird but that never stops me =P gosh I here my friends minds already thinking: ''Shia..? SHIA?! for real, Crystal? o.O'' Everyone has his own weird little secrets, I'm just not ashamed for who I am and what I like ^-^=P I just saw the movie Eagle Eye, and Shia was amazing! =| My god, that movie was good! It was an intense movie, one of the best I've seen. Shia is amazing in ittt! (^~^o) hihi. Oh and I just thought about Aaron, 'cause they played in Disturbia together. Aaron = (◠D◠ )

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Revenge of Cooking Mama (+_+)

If you read my post ''Princess Kitch, my butt!'' (august), you'll know what I'm talking about.

Remember the anger I had towards Cooking Mama 1? I hated the game, it was mentally torturing me (>o<) 。。 BUT! I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt when I bought Cooking Mama 2 today. I thought, maybe is this version better. I was happy ^-^ 。。 Till I got home 。。 I tried to open the box, but I couldn't open it。。。。。。。。 it took me 5 minutes to open it。。。。 it took me 5 damn minutes to open a frikkin DS box !! ('0' )(X.X) My anger was coming all back to me.

But I gotta be honest, Cooking Mama 2 is way better than the first one. It looks a lot more cheery, and there is a lot more things to do with. So I got love for part 2, and part 1 can still bleep off! *punch* (o'^')-o

Update! Sanrio, Juicy Couture & More

= click for picture

AAAH I have so much to tell! I haven't been sitting on my butt all day the last couple of days! I always jump from one subject to another, so it might be confusing to read =P

Ok so first, yay? There is a Juicy Couture shop opening soon here and I can't wait till it's finished! and I saw a Sanrio store on Broadway, but it was closed =[ *wheeps* I'll come back there next week. And I went to Queens today =P it feels like I went to the mild version of a ''hood''. We went to eat at a filipino restaurant, and aaaah I missed halo-halo =3! Let's see.. OMG! shoot me, I saw a hawt bag at Cavalli! WANT IT =[ it's almost my bday people sooo .. haha jaykay. Hmm I forgot what I wanted to tell (•ิo•ิ )'' 。。 oh, and I bought new ds games! Harvest Moon Cute, Cooking Mama 2 and Nintendogs (Lab & Friends). Ok, I'm done talking (・ω・'') haha I wanted to tell more, but I don't remember anymore. I'll blog tomorrow again!


homesick . . (>x< )

I really like it here, I ♥ manhattan. But I'm starting to miss my friends and my hubby =( It's getting pretty lonely out here. *I need a hug* 0_0 Luckily, my cousin and her bf are coming here next week =D YAY! And I really hope I have my phone back then ><''

Friday, October 3, 2008

JapanC Exhibition

There was an exhibition on 10 w. 56th street, and when I was walking the street I saw Hello Kitty in my eyecorner! Of course I had to check it out! 8] Unfortunately, I saw some stuff that weren't for sale (too bad!), and they were so cute! I did buy these cute things. If you got the chance to go there, go do it! Its till november 1st! :]


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nintendo DSI *WANT ONE!*

Click here for the article about the DSi
Click here for the video conference about the DSi

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Feeling ashamed

''We live in an atmosphere of shame. We are ashamed of everything that is real about us; ashamed of ourselves, of our relatives, of our incomes, of our accents, of our opinion, of our experience, just as we are ashamed of our naked skins. - George Bernard Shaw''

It's a shame that people feel ashamed of who they are, or what they do. People get too caught up of what people think of them. I admit, I used to be like that. But it's just a damn waste of energy and time to worry about what other people might think. You live your life for yourself, not for others. So why worry too much? You're not gonna see those people again, and they won't remember you if you did something stupid.

Ohyeah, and some men say: ''I can never get a woman like that, she's way too good for me''. Men with easy/low jobs say that. I personally think the reason why women don't choose those kind of men (not all of them) because those men don't have enough confidence and that's a turn off. If a man could've achieved more in life, it's just a waste don't you think? It's not because they don't earn enough money, it's about how you present yourself. Ok, of course there are some women who want a guy with a lot of money, but not every woman is like that. But women just want a guy that can take care of his family, give them stability in life =]


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hello Kitty Daily DS, AC City Folk

OMG! I saw this game a while ago, but I read about it that it was fake or it wouldn't come out this year, or something like that. I saw it on Amazon today and I totally freaked out =P it will come out on november 3, 2008 and I pre-ordered it right away! ^^ and I also pre-ordered HK Big City Dream.

And there's also a new Animal Crossing coming up! It's called AC City folk

Pink Ribbon Month

October is originally Pink Ribbon Month, when women from all over the world unite in the battle against breast cancer. This is proving successful; the message communicated by Pink ribbon is reaching women all over the world.

I was in the airplane, and saw something for a good cause. And I love to help good causes, so I thought; ''let's buy it!'' . I saw this cute bracelet from Pink Ribbon. But I payed in cash and they didn't have any change, so I bought 2 of them ^^ hey. it doesn't harm anybody to help people out right? You can only buy it @ KLM in september and october. So if you have the chance to get it, go buy it ^^! It's for a good cause, and you get a kawaii bracelet ^^


Arrival @ NY

YAY! I'm in New York! the sad thing is that I got sick during the flight. An hour before we arrived, I started to feel nauseous, and really weak. When we got out of the plane, it got worse. Luckily, everything went smooth. The taxi was there really fast, and he drove like 120/130 or whatever, so we got fast at my auntie's apartment. Anyways, I'm still sick so I really don't feel like typing but I'll be back when I get better ^^!


Sunday, September 28, 2008

♥ Leavin' on a jet plane . .

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
I'm leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

I woke up at 9 am today, which is a real miracle because I hate waking up early. But since it's going better with my body, I didn't mind so much. My cat woke me up a little bit earlier though (>.>) he was miauwing all morning and jumped on my bed. Anyways, I'm off to New York today. Wish me luck ok! =D I hope that everything will go well. I will miss my hubby =[ take care peoples!

(^3^), Crystal

Saturday, September 27, 2008

3 Second Rule

Girls, ever had that moment with boyfriend, that you ask him something but he responds ''too late''? That you think: omg if you don't give an answer in right now, you're so dead! For example, you had a fight with your best friend and you're totally mad at her for being a bitch. Of course you're ranting about it. And you ask your boyfriend: you do think I'm right, don't you?!'' and he's like, quiet. Like he's saying; uh no. That makes me pissed off haha. I've heard friends having the same ''issue'' so I thought I rant about it on my blog. My bf gets all mad at me saying like, give me time to think. I just think he should agree with me, rather I'm right or wrong! =P the way of the jungle baby. Girls world is tough, cruel, bitchy, evil, nasty and so much more a man couldn't handle it.

xoxo, Crystal

Versace - Bright Crystal

I'm totally into this perfume ^-^ I was still choosing between the Juicy Couture perfume and this one, but I eventually chose this one. It's more sweet and light. And hey, it's the same as my name minus the bright =P matching!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Circle lenses, Ganguro

Hmm, it's a pretty old subject but I'm still going to start about it =P How do you guys feel about circle lenses? I personally think .. It can look cute, but it also looks surreal/alien-like =_=' you know, it has to look good on you. Or else it will look too fake. For example, it looks great on Mikki. I've seen some pictures of people that overdid it. People should wear what they want btw, I am not saying they shouldn't. Circle lenses would just look creepy on me. IF you would see a difference because my eyes are already pretty big -.-''

I mean, look at this! I don't know if I should believe this or not. But if it's true, she looks sooo much better, don't you think? And she still looks natural, the new her. I still find it hard to believe it's the same person, but I'll guess I'll just trust on it.

This girl also looks really cute. I don't remember where I got it, probably from Soompi. I wish I could do my hair like that, I love it! <3 ☆ And also she didn't overdo it. With harajuku style it's different. I like Harajuku clothes with a lot of things hanging on them and stuff, because their face is still normal (if they didn't put make up on). When I was in Harajuku, I saw some wicked styles that looked sooo great on people! I wanted to make a picture of them, but they would look kind of weird =P im a puss -_-

What I really don't like is Ganguro. I don't know what they're thinking -_- Don't find it sexy at all, and they remind me of the Olly girls from Sunset Tan. Original, I admit, it is. But just because it's original, doesn't make it beautiful. It looks pretty good on japanese if they have a tan, but it it's done like this .. *click* I don't want to post the picture, because it gives me the creeps. I do like this picture though, it's pretty cute ^~^

Pinky Girls, I Adooore! ♥

When I was in Japan, Pinky girls was my favorite shop. I looove it, love it, love it <3! Their clothes and accessories are to die for! And HALLELUJA! you can shop online! A dream come true? When I go back to Japan, I definitely going back to my cute shop ^~^

Here are some things I saw on the website. You just gotta love it, right?


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

-_- .. It's getting pretty annoying but I think I have OCD, a ''light'' version of it. Lately I've been unintentionally paying attention to things. For example, I do not want to touch poles in subways because well .. my god, who knows who's touching them with their hands -_- those poles are getting touched everyday by hundreds of people, but don't get cleaned a lot. And ewww! People who rub their nose with their hands, and then grab that pole. Or do other gross things ><'' sweaty and all. everyone says to me that I am overreacting, but I can't help it to think how dirty some things are. I wash my hands several times a day with UniCura, and I bring a little bottle with me. You never know when you need it right ... =P haha gosh, I feel like such a geek. But you know, when you eat at KFC, your hands get all greasy and stuff. And what if you rub that on your face -_- ew. I hope that this doesn't get out of hand, because I feel more and more the urge to wash my hands. Ohh well, just wanted to share my embarrasing issue =P

xoxo, Crystal

Chocolate + me = 1 : 0

As I've told you guys before, my and chocolate don't get along. I don't like it, and it gives me zits which I really don't appreciate. I was watching a cooking program today, and she was talking about chocolate pots. My goood, I felt the zits growing on my face while she was eating that pot of horror! It was melted dark chocolate -_- I don't know about you guys, but my skin can't handle that. And even if it did, I can't imagine myself grabbing a spoon and eating it!

Improved life!

Remember when I said a while ago that I would change my way of eating? Well, guess what happened! People so aren't going to believe me -_- .. anyways! *I don't crave for junkfood anymore! for real I am NOT kidding! I have witnesses! Ask my mom. I hadn't had dinner last night, and she asked me: shall we go to McDonalds? then I responded with: no, I don't eat unhealthy anymore''. So we ended up eating at a chinese restaurant. How good is that, huh? =D And I've rejected junkfood several times this past few weeks. Instead of eating french fries at the station, I buy bread with cheese. I admit, sometimes I do crave for french fries. But then I think: It's just bad for my health. And I definitely don't need McDo anymore. And my mom forced me to take omega 3 pills >.> I have a really hard time with that, because I'm having trouble with taking pills. I take Davitamon, but those are chewing pills =P My life span is already shortened like 15 years, so might as well make the best of it right =P I pamper myself with a big bucket of Häagen-Dazs! 8] Hey, just because I layed off of the junkfood, doesn't mean I'm gonna give up desserts! .. and kfc.

Long life a healthy life! *cough*


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clinique 3 step

I am trying the 3 step thingy from Clinique and wow! I love it! The first step feels so great. If I was old, I would say that my skin felt rejunivated! But step 2 .. On the website it says that it doesn't feel painful, but omg it felt like it burned off my skin =/ I used to use Shiseido, but it really made my skin started to depend on it. If I didn't use it, my skin would get really dry. So that's no good. Then I used Oil of Olaz, that worked pretty good too. And now I use Clinique ^^ haven't seen much change yet, but that'll come. I recommend the product! ^^ u guys should try it too!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

☆ New York baby! ☆

So here's how it went down. My auntie is visiting NL right now, and we were talking. Suddenly she said: ''come to NY with me!'' and why the hell would I say no to that? 8] Now I am going to the big apple again! I don't know for how long though, I can decide how long I want to go. Maybe I'll stay a month. We'll see about that ^^ I'm so excited to go! shopping, central park. This time, I want to see more of NY. And if I'm lucky, I can go to the Janet Jackson concert. My auntie already bought tickets for herself and my cousin a while ago, so I hope I can still join them. My plane ticket is already been bought, so yeah! All I have to do now is prepare myself for the trip, and wait impatiently!


There's no place like home..?

I moved to my aunties house last year, and thats probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't felt at home at my own house, because I have a lot of bad memories there. Not that it was my parents fault or anything, before people see me being beat up by my parents. I just hated to be at home, because my room reminds me of the endless times I cried there.

Anyways, my mum didn't want to be alone tomorrow because she's sick. So she asked me to stay for the night. With a lot of struggle I said yes. It feels so weird to back =/ ,, It feels like this house has been abandoned for ages. It takes a lot of strength for me to come here, so of course I brought Ben & Jerry's and a bucket of cotton candy to help me through the evening. With my mum watching Fiddler on the roof on the background, it doesn't feel nolgastic here. I dare not to go back to my old room, that has been changed to a clothing room. I hope this day is over as soon as possible..


Rip Offf -_-!

Me and Kenji were hungryyy 0_0 so we .. I decided to order a pizza. He said nooo no no. Apparently he said that he wanted go to KFC -_-'' probably mumbling in his self because I didn't hear it. And he was scrunching down my pizza anyways so T_T=P But anyways, the pizza was smalll =/ omg an infant could eat more than that *bleep* thing -_- it was a total rip-off for my $16 dollar! Like my roommate said, that's ⅓ I pay for a whole month of food in the house (- -. )'' ohh well, anyways just wanted to rant about that. And I made cheesecake yesterday, so I could scrunch that down too ^-^

Ohyeah, and my viewty's touchscreen doesn't work anymore since a while ago -_- I've send it to repair, but I hope I will get it back this week >.< I miss my phone =[

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daryl Celis, pinoy idols! ^^

Ok, normally I wouldn't fall for filipino guys, but Daryl Celis .. I fell like a block when I saw him perform on Idols (youtube)! If I could've vote, I would SPAM text messages, and he would've won! =P but nooo.. he's the first filipino guy that caught my eye. Even though I don't speak filipino, I could feel the emotion in his singing. You don't wanna know how many times I've pressed replay by now haha. So Daryl, if you ever read this.. you rock! and give me a call! 8) haha j/k *cough*

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Emo Bitches

I love my moei moei. How can you not love your little sister if she gives you a big bowl of ice cream? hahaha we were in an emo mood, and felt like eaaating but she was too lazy to get out of the house. It's always the same situation with us =P if she wants to go out, I don't feel like going. And vice versa. So she opened the refrigerator and there was icecreaaam <3! chocolate & strawberry *yum*!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Avant Garde, September 2008