☆。♥~Little Cookie~♥。☆

♥♪♫☆ HAPPY MEMORIES ☆♫♪♥ LAST UPDATED: 24.09.2008 ☆♫♪♥


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Improved life!

Remember when I said a while ago that I would change my way of eating? Well, guess what happened! People so aren't going to believe me -_- .. anyways! *I don't crave for junkfood anymore! for real I am NOT kidding! I have witnesses! Ask my mom. I hadn't had dinner last night, and she asked me: shall we go to McDonalds? then I responded with: no, I don't eat unhealthy anymore''. So we ended up eating at a chinese restaurant. How good is that, huh? =D And I've rejected junkfood several times this past few weeks. Instead of eating french fries at the station, I buy bread with cheese. I admit, sometimes I do crave for french fries. But then I think: It's just bad for my health. And I definitely don't need McDo anymore. And my mom forced me to take omega 3 pills >.> I have a really hard time with that, because I'm having trouble with taking pills. I take Davitamon, but those are chewing pills =P My life span is already shortened like 15 years, so might as well make the best of it right =P I pamper myself with a big bucket of Häagen-Dazs! 8] Hey, just because I layed off of the junkfood, doesn't mean I'm gonna give up desserts! .. and kfc.

Long life a healthy life! *cough*



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