☆。♥~Little Cookie~♥。☆

♥♪♫☆ HAPPY MEMORIES ☆♫♪♥ LAST UPDATED: 24.09.2008 ☆♫♪♥


Saturday, September 27, 2008

3 Second Rule

Girls, ever had that moment with boyfriend, that you ask him something but he responds ''too late''? That you think: omg if you don't give an answer in right now, you're so dead! For example, you had a fight with your best friend and you're totally mad at her for being a bitch. Of course you're ranting about it. And you ask your boyfriend: you do think I'm right, don't you?!'' and he's like, quiet. Like he's saying; uh no. That makes me pissed off haha. I've heard friends having the same ''issue'' so I thought I rant about it on my blog. My bf gets all mad at me saying like, give me time to think. I just think he should agree with me, rather I'm right or wrong! =P the way of the jungle baby. Girls world is tough, cruel, bitchy, evil, nasty and so much more a man couldn't handle it.

xoxo, Crystal


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