☆。♥~Little Cookie~♥。☆

♥♪♫☆ HAPPY MEMORIES ☆♫♪♥ LAST UPDATED: 24.09.2008 ☆♫♪♥


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Summary of the last few days

Ok, I'm such a hermit =.= I've stayed inside since I got back. How lazy is that? No, normally I don't have jetlags but now I do. Feel bad for my bf though =( I keep waking him up at night, and I sleep like a log in the afternoon. I ate raffioli in the middle of the night, watching Friends =.=''

The only thing I've been doing is watching tv and rotting away on the couch, unpacking my stuff (and I'm STILL not finished with that), cleaning up my room and that also is not finished. It's too cold outside =( I've been freezing my ass off in the house, let alone when I go outside =.= I have to be honest though, I did miss the braindead cartoons of Holland. I normally hated them, but I watched it with joy the past few days. And I've been ordering movies from UPC like hell. But today is the big day.. I'm gonna go to Amsterdam. First I'm gonna eat my lunch, then clean my room up, and then I'm off to my room mates.

I can't wait for tomorrow! Were gonna watch Grease with a big bowl of popcorn, some icecream and a nice warm blanket with hot coco. I love that movie. I love old movies. I think I already mentioned this waaay back, but I love the channel TCM. Now that was some real acting. Ok, enough with the loving. I'm just gonna go.. =p

toodles! x


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